ICE-D Examples - various web-based examples that demonstrate useful visualizations of ICE-D data

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Aluminum-Beryllium ratios versus Elevation to demonstrate how elevation impacts the Al-Be ratio

Sample count : 198

[Al]/[Be] ratios against elevation (m)

Geospatial data for Al/Be Ratio vs elevation
Note: The following conditions were specified to make this plot: 1) all samples come from the Alpine database, 2) all samples are >25 ka, 3) all samples are collected from boulders.

in-situ C-14 production rate determined by elevation-dependent C-14 saturation

Sample count : 220

in-situ [C-14] versus elevation

Geospatial data for C-14 PR

Note: SLHL PR estimated from Koester and Lifton (2023) is ~13.5 a/g/yr and the right-hand limit of this plot (ignoring a few outliers) shows the elevational dependence on PR when samples are decay-production saturated and N = P/I. The x-intercept of a curve at the right-hand limit of the data points should theoretically then be 13.5 a/g/yr

West Greenland time-distance-diagram tracking GrIS recession

Sample count : 242

Greenland TDD

Geospatial data for Greenland TDD


Histogram of dates when samples are entered into ICE-D

Created at Histogram
